Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So Thankful for My KING

This week has been a hard week for my family and so many other families. So tough at times that I felt like I couldn't get out of the craziness of it all. I just wanted to hide in a closet and wait for the opportunity to come to start the week over. Well, that's never going to happen right!! If it did, how many days would I spend in the closet. Hmm????

So, my amazing King sweetly reminded me of His presence by taking me to Isaiah. He reminded me that I have been set free from not only the "yoke" of slavery, but of the "yoke" of heavy burdens. He reminded me that He knows and sees those days of joy just as clearly as He sees those days of sorrow. He doesn't roll His eyes and say "great, another whiney day". So thankful for that aren't you?

As I journeyed through Isaiah, though my heart was still breaking, He lifted my head and it felt as if I was sitting in His lap pouring my heart out to Him.  I felt like a huge weight was being lifted. I pictured Him reaching and pulling that "yoke" off of me and placing it on Himself. His big shoulders are a blessing aren't they :)  The amazing part was that He didn't put a timer on how long I could sit there and on how much I could hand Him or how long I could weep.  Can you relate?

My heart is beating so fast as I type this and share with you. My LORD is my Waymaker, my Mountain Mover, My Deliver! I long for others to have that! Long for the joy in the midst of their pain to be so evident. It wouldn't surprise me if you could hear my heart beating right now :)

I will continue to face storms and tough times as long as I am still breathing on this earth. The beautifully amazing part is that the times I face here are temporary. My desire is to see each trial this way-understanding the pain may be unbearable at times, but knowing that it is temporary and that my Jesus is waiting to "wipe away every tear".

From Isaiah 61 we are told we have:
good news for our afflictions
binding for our brokenhearts
liberty from what holds us captive
freedom from strongholds that imprison us
comfort in our mourning


So, climb into His lap and pour your heart out! His shoulders are big and He is waiting.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing truth:)

    Rest in Him. His yoke is easy and his burden is light.
