Monday, April 16, 2012

My Jonah Story

Today is rainy and icky outside, but my heart still rejoices!
I am totally blessed to be a part of my girls' education because of the permission from the Chief Administrator, MY KING!

I almost missed the calling to teach them because I was so busy doing everything else, telling God my schedule was already booked. Really, telling God...hmm! As my pastor would say " how's that working out for ya?" Well, it didn't. Ministries I was involved in lost their joy, I was forgetting details and for me, that is not a good thing. Details ruled for me! So, little by little, God weened me from my own agenda and brought me to His. So, here we are today. The blessings pour out because I am working on my God's agenda.  You think I would have learned that lesson a long time ago.


When I was in Jr.High, I felt like the Lord was asking me to work full time with kids. I felt it strongly. I had it in my mind to do it too. Well, something tragic happened in my life at the age of 15, and because of it, I believed God didn't have much interest in me anymore so, I lived on my agenda. My crazy crazy agenda. For years I knew what was best for me. Instead of working with kids, I would become a Marine Biologist, I always loved the water and the life that lived in it. So, there I life, my plan, my way. Right? WRONG!

 For years, God wanted me to go to "Ninevah" and do what HE said to do, but instead, I got the first "boat" going the opposite direction. Then, I spent what seemed like a lifetime in the belly of a fish tossed overboard by the life I had planned.  There was so much more tragedy and pain and sin and and and....the list goes on and on.

Finally, I cried out to my God and He came to my rescue. He was there with me the entire time. He never left me, just like He promised He would never do. He pulled me up from that mucky, yucky life and brought me to where He wanted me. There are alot of scars from that "belly", but each one reminds me of the where my plan took me, causing me to want to stick with the Master's plan.

He gave me a "goose bump" reminder, a good one, on what He called me to do about 9 years ago and since then I have worked with kids, working at it with all my heart for Him and not for man! AMEN!  I have worked in children's ministry at the church for years and years and just this Feb, took a break for 6 months (at least) at God's nudge, to focus completely on my own kids and their school. Praise God that it didn't take a "big fish"this time.

I am sure He will bring me back to the amazing kids at church in His timing. For now, I am a teacher to my girls and He is the Planner! My heart is filled!! God is so good!

Have a blessed day in our LORD!